Published Referred Journal Articles:

Altieri, N., Seikel, A. & Hudock, D. Relationship between praxis skills and neural organization of grammar. The International Journal of Audiology, (accepted).

Farnsworth, T., Seikel, T., Hudock, D. & Holst, J. History and development of interprofessional education. Cellular and Molecular Biology. (accepted)

Hudock, D., Altieri, N., Sun, L., Bowers, A., Keil, K. & Kalinowski, J. (2015). The effect of single syllable silent reading and pantomime speech in varied syllable positions on stuttering frequency throughout utterance productions. Speech Communication, 75, 76-83. doi:10.1016/j.specom.2015.09.012

Hudock, D., Saltuklaroglu, T., Stuart, A., Zhang, J., Murray, N., Kalinowski, J. & Altieri, N. (2015). Eye gaze behaviors of fluent listeners during dynamic presentations of stuttered and fluent speech samples. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 39 (2), 134-145.

Altieri, N., & Hudock, D. (2014). Assessing variability in audiovisual speech integration skills using capacity and accuracy measures. International Journal of Audiology. 53, 710-718. doi: 10.3109/14992027.2014.909053

Altieri, N., & Hudock, D. (2014). Hearing impairment and audiovisual speech integration ability: a case study report. Frontiers in Psychology. 1, 678. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00678

Hudock, D., & Kalinowski, J. (2014). Stuttering inhibition via altered auditory feedback during scripted telephone conversations. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 49, 139-147.

Zhang, J., Saltuklaroglu, T., Hudock, D., & Kalinowski, J. (2011). University students’ familiarity with famous people who stutter. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 35(1), 40-44.

Hudock, D., Dayalu, V., Stuart, A., Saltuklaroglu, T., Zhang, J., & Kalinowski, J. (2011). Stuttering inhibition via visual feedback at normal and fast speech rates. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 46(2), 169-178.

Zhang, J., Kalinowski, J., Saltuklaroglu, T., & Hudock, D., (2010). Stuttered and fluent speakers’ heart rate and skin conductance in response to fluent and stuttered speech. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 45, 670-680.

Published Proceedings

Palasik, S., Hudock, D. & Yates, C. (2015). Taking ACTion and committing yourself to your values: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for People who Stutter. Paper presented at International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference, International Stuttering Association.

Altieri, N., & Hudock, D. (2014). A unified approach for measuring audiovisual speech integration skills. American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.

Hudock, D., Altieri, N., Knudson, S., & O’Donnell, J. (2014). Stutterer or Person who Stutters (PWS); why we should all use people first language. Paper presented at International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference, International Stuttering Association.

Hudock, D., & O’Connor, N. (2014). Reducing negative emotions and anxiety associated with stuttering by a cumulative trauma-based mental health approach. Paper presented at International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference, International Stuttering Association.

Hudock, D., & Altieri, N. (2013). Foundations to theories and perspectives on stuttering from a historical perspective of societal influences: Part I. Paper presented at International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference, International Stuttering Association.

Hudock, D., & Altieri, N. (2013). Foundations to theories and perspectives on stuttering from a historical perspective of societal influences: Part II. Paper presented at International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference, International Stuttering Association.

Hudock, D. (2013). My stuttering story. Paper presented at International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference, International Stuttering Association.

In Revision (* denotes student contribution)

Hudock, D., Knudson, S., Vereen, L. G., & O’Donnell, J. Forming the foundation for inter-professional collaboration between Speech-Language Pathologists and School Counselors when treating students who stutter

In Preparation (data collected; * denotes student contribution)

*Hudock, D., Spears, S., Ramsdell-Hudock, H., Altieri, N., & St. Louis, K. Pseudostuttering as a training method – An analysis of graduate clinicians’ perceptions and attitudes

*Pretzer, G., Hudock, D., Altieri, N., Bull, C., & Seikel, J. A. Male & Female Reactions to Typical & Atypical Speech With the Use of Disclosure Statements

Hudock, D., Yates, C., Vereen, L. G., Jemmett, M., Knudson, S., O’Donnell Mixed-methods analysis of client outcomes after participating in an interprofessional intensive stuttering clinic through one-year follow-up

Vereen, L. G., Hudock, D., Knudson, S., O’Donnell, J., & Yates, C. Qualitative analysis of student outcomes after participating in interprofessional education and an interprofessional intensive stuttering clinic

Vereen, L. G., Hudock, D., Knudson, S., O’Donnell, J., & Yates, C. Quantitative analysis of student outcomes after participating in interprofessional education and an interprofessional intensive stuttering clinic

Yates, C., Hudock, D., Xu, M. Client outcomes from an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy interprofessional intensive stuttering clinic

Yates, C., Hudock, D., Xu, M. Mixed-method outcomes from students participating in an interprofessional intensive stuttering clinic: Utilization of clinician supervision sessions as experience indicators

Conference Presentations (* denotes student contribution)

Vereen, L., Yates, C., Jemmett, M., Hudock, D., Knudson, S., & O’Donnell, J. (2015). Mixed-Methods Analysis of Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Care Experiences During an Intensive Stuttering Clinic paper presentation the American Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO

Hudock, D., Jemmett, M., Yates, C., O’Donnell, J., Knudson, S. & Vereen, L. (2015) Interprofessional Intensive Stuttering Clinic: Six-Month Follow-Up of Mixed Methods Analysis on Client Outcomes paper presentation the American Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO

Hudock, D., Yates, C., Vereen, L., O’Donnell, J. & Knudson, S. (2015). Mixed-Methods Assessment of Students Who Stutter Participating as Clinicians at Intensive Stuttering Clinics: Case Study. paper presentation the American Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO

Altieri, N. & Hudock, D. (2015). Normative data on audiovisual speech integration skills: measures of accuracy and reaction time. Poster presented at the American Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO

Altieri, N. & Hudock, D. (2015). A Model-theoretic explanation of the McGurk effect in normal-hearing versus Clinical Populations. Poster presented at the American Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO

*Hansen, J. Hudock, D. & Altieri, N. (2015). Stereotypes, Self-Report, & Physiological Arousal of Adults via Fluent & Disfluent Speech Observation. Poster presented at the American Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO

* Spears, S., Hudock, D., Ramsdell-Hudock, H., Altieri, N., Vereen, L., & St. Louis. (2015). Pseudostuttering as a Training Method; An Analysis of Graduate Clinicians’ Perceptions and Attitudes. Poster presented at the American Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO

* Hudock, D., Jemmett, M., O’Donnell, J., Knudson, S., Vereen, L. G., & Yates, C. (2015) Interprofessional Education & Multidimensional Stuttering Therapy From Speech-Language Pathologists & Counselors, Idaho State University Graduate School Research Day, Pocatello, ID

* Hudock, D., Jemmett, M., O’Donnell, J., Knudson, S., Vereen, L. G., & Yates, C. (2015) Interprofessional Education & Multidimensional Stuttering Therapy From Speech-Language Pathologists & Counselors, Idaho State University Division of Health Sciences Research Day, Pocatello, ID

* Erickson, E., Hudock, D., Ramsdell-Hudock, H., Altieri, N., O’Donnell. J., Knudson, S. (2015) Evaluating Clinicians Reactions to Disfluent Speech Before and After Participation in an Intensive Stuttering Clinic. Poster presented at Idaho State University’s Division of Health Sciences Research Day, Pocatello, ID

* Spears, S., Hudock, D., Ramsdell-Hudock, H., & Vereen, L. G. (2015) Pseudostuttering as a Training Method; An Analysis of Graduate Clinicians’ Perceptions and Attitudes. Poster presented at Idaho State University’s Division of Health Sciences Research Day, Pocatello, ID


Grants Funded:

Hudock, D., Kalinowski, J., & Stuart, A. (2011) Ignition Business Venture Grant ($25,000), East Carolina University, Office of Technology Transfer.

Grants in Submission:

Mountain West Clinical Translational Research Infrastructure Network, Clinical and Translational Research Infrastructure Network (CTR-IN) Pilot Grant Program ($60,000), (under review).

2-2019 Curriculum Vitae Dan Hudock